Japan Society of Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers

2016JSRAE Annual Conference

Organizer: Japan Society of Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers

Co-Organizer: Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University

September 6-9, 2016 
Kobe University (Rokkodai Campus, Kobe, Japan)

We welcome many researchers, engineers, and students to participate in the coming 2016 JSRAE Annual Conference.


    1st Announcement [PDF]     2nd Announcement [PDF]

Tentative Program

    At a Glance [PDF]     Program [PDF]

What's new

August 5 Registration site is updated.
June 28 Tentative program is opened at the top page.
May 20 The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 31 May, 2016.
April 14 Flyers are now available at the top page.
April 1 Abstract Submission site is now available.
March 1 The official website opened.