Japan Society of Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers

2015 JSRAE Annual Conference


Early-bird registration through this homepage is strongly recommended.
On-line early-bird registration


International delegates are requested to pay registration fees at the conference registration desk before attending at the conference in the either case of early-bird or onsite registration. Conference proceedings in bound volume and CD-ROM, and coffee breaks are included in the registration fee.

Participants from abroad are recommended to make an early-bird registration through this homepage, and pay the fee at a discount price ON SITE. Participants, who do not make an early-bird registration, will be required to pay the fee at onsite price.

ARLY-BIRD REGISTRATION (On or before Sep. 25, 2015 (Fri.)):
Members 9,000 Yen
Students (member) 2,000 Yen
Students (non-member 3,000 Yen
Non-members 15,000 Yen
Banquet (free for an accompanied family member) 6,000 Yen
Members 11,000 Yen
Students (member) 3,000 Yen
Students (non-member) 4,000 Yen
Non-members 17,000 Yen
Banquet 8,000 Yen